
class documenteer.stackdocs.doxygen.DoxygenConfiguration(include_paths=<factory>, inputs=<factory>, image_paths=<factory>, excludes=<factory>, recursive=True, file_patterns=<factory>, exclude_patterns=<factory>, exclude_symbols=<factory>, project_name='The LSST Science Pipelines', project_brief='C++ API Reference', output_directory=<factory>, generate_html=True, generate_latex=False, tagfile=<factory>, tagfiles=<factory>, generate_xml=True, html_output=<factory>, use_mathjax=True, mathjax_format='HTML-CSS', mathjax_relpath='', xml_output=<factory>, xml_programlisting=False, create_subdirs=False, full_path_names=True, strip_from_path=<factory>, quiet=True, warnings=True, warn_if_undocumented=True, warn_if_doc_error=True, warn_no_paramdoc=False, warn_as_error=False, warn_format='$file:$line: $text', warn_logfile=None)

Bases: object

A restricted Doxygen configuration.

Rather than accomodating arbitrary Doxygen configurations, this class maintains the key configurations that are required for a Doxygen build that is intended to be incorporated into a Sphinx build. As such, this configuration file may ignore some configuration values when parsing a raw configuration file.


See for more details about Doxygen configurations.

  • include_paths (List[Path], default: <factory>)

  • inputs (List[Path], default: <factory>)

  • image_paths (List[Path], default: <factory>)

  • excludes (List[Path], default: <factory>)

  • recursive (bool, default: True)

  • file_patterns (List[str], default: <factory>)

  • exclude_patterns (List[str], default: <factory>)

  • exclude_symbols (List[str], default: <factory>)

  • project_name (str, default: 'The LSST Science Pipelines')

  • project_brief (str, default: 'C++ API Reference')

  • output_directory (Path, default: <factory>)

  • generate_html (bool, default: True)

  • generate_latex (bool, default: False)

  • tagfile (Path, default: <factory>)

  • tagfiles (List[str], default: <factory>)

  • generate_xml (bool, default: True)

  • html_output (Path, default: <factory>)

  • use_mathjax (bool, default: True)

  • mathjax_format (str, default: 'HTML-CSS')

  • mathjax_relpath (str, default: '')

  • xml_output (Path, default: <factory>)

  • xml_programlisting (bool, default: False)

  • create_subdirs (bool, default: False)

  • full_path_names (bool, default: True)

  • strip_from_path (List[Path], default: <factory>)

  • quiet (bool, default: True)

  • warnings (bool, default: True)

  • warn_if_undocumented (bool, default: True)

  • warn_if_doc_error (bool, default: True)

  • warn_no_paramdoc (bool, default: False)

  • warn_as_error (bool, default: False)

  • warn_format (str, default: '$file:$line: $text')

  • warn_logfile (Optional[Path], default: None)

Attributes Summary


Whether Doxygen should create subdirectories.


Doxygen keeps the full path of each file, rather than stripping it.


Whether or not to generate HTML output.


Whether or not to generate LaTeX output.


Whether or not ot generate XML output.


Format of the MathJax output in the HTML build.


Relative path or URL to the MathJax bundle.


Brief description (subtile) of the project.


Name of the Doxygen project (used in the HTML output).


Turn off messages generated to standard output by Doxygen.


Whether or not directories listed in inputs should be searched recursively.


Enable MathJax to render math, rather than LaTeX.


Treat warnings are errors.


Format for warning and error messages.


Warn about potential errors in the documentation.


Warn about undocumented members.


Print errors and warnings to a log file.


Warn about functions that are documented but don't have documentation for their parameters or return value.


Enable warnings printed to standard error.


Whether to include the program listing in the XML output.

Methods Summary

from_doxygen_conf(conf_text, root_dir)

Create a new DoxygenConfiguration from the the content of a doxygen.conf or file.


Render the Doxygen configuration file.

Attributes Documentation

create_subdirs: bool = False

Whether Doxygen should create subdirectories.

This should be NO for breathe/exhale to work.

full_path_names: bool = True

Doxygen keeps the full path of each file, rather than stripping it.

generate_html: bool = True

Whether or not to generate HTML output.

generate_latex: bool = False

Whether or not to generate LaTeX output.

generate_xml: bool = True

Whether or not ot generate XML output.

mathjax_format: str = 'HTML-CSS'

Format of the MathJax output in the HTML build.

mathjax_relpath: str = ''

Relative path or URL to the MathJax bundle.

project_brief: str = 'C++ API Reference'

Brief description (subtile) of the project.

project_name: str = 'The LSST Science Pipelines'

Name of the Doxygen project (used in the HTML output).

quiet: bool = True

Turn off messages generated to standard output by Doxygen.

recursive: bool = True

Whether or not directories listed in inputs should be searched recursively.

use_mathjax: bool = True

Enable MathJax to render math, rather than LaTeX.

warn_as_error: bool = False

Treat warnings are errors.

warn_format: str = '$file:$line: $text'

Format for warning and error messages.

warn_if_doc_error: bool = True

Warn about potential errors in the documentation.

warn_if_undocumented: bool = True

Warn about undocumented members.

If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag will automatically be disabled.

warn_logfile: Optional[Path] = None

Print errors and warnings to a log file.

If left blank the output is written to standard error (stderr).

warn_no_paramdoc: bool = False

Warn about functions that are documented but don’t have documentation for their parameters or return value.

If set to NO, doxygen will only warn about wrong or incomplete parameter documentation, but not about the absence of documentation.

warnings: bool = True

Enable warnings printed to standard error.

xml_programlisting: bool = False

Whether to include the program listing in the XML output.

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_doxygen_conf(conf_text, root_dir)

Create a new DoxygenConfiguration from the the content of a doxygen.conf or file.

  • conf_text (str) – The text content of a doxygen.conf file.

  • root_dir (Path) – Directory containing the doxygen.conf file. This directory path is used to resolve any relative paths within the configuration file.


doxygen_configuration – A DoxygenConfiguration instance populated with configurations parsed from doxygen_conf.

Return type:



Only select tags from the Doxygen configuration file are parsed and incorporated into the DoxygenConfiguration instance:






These are the only tags that individual packages should need to configure with respect to a stack-wide Doxygen build.


Render the Doxygen configuration file.


config_content – Text content of a doxygen configuration file.

Return type:
