build_stack_docs, skipped_names=None, skippedNames=None, doxygen_conf_defaults_path=None, prefer_doxygen_conf_in=True, enable_doxygen_conf=True, enable_doxygen=True, enable_package_links=True, enable_sphinx=True, select_doxygen_packages=None, skip_doxygen_packages=None, warning_is_error=False, nitpicky=False)

Build stack Sphinx documentation (main entrypoint).

  • root_project_dir (Union[Path, str]) – Path to the root directory of the main documentation project. This is the directory containing the file.

  • skipped_names (Optional[List[str]], default: None) – Optional list of packages to skip while creating symlinks.

  • skippedNames (Optional[List[str]], default: None) – Old name for the skipped_names parameter.

  • doxygen_conf_defaults_path (pathlib.Path) – Path to a Doxygen configuration file that will be referenced from the primary Doxygen configuration using the @INCLUDE_PATH tag. By default the Doxygen defaults built into Documenteer are used.

  • prefer_doxygen_conf_in (bool, default: True) – Prefer using files as the basis for package’s Doxygen configuration. This mode is useful when building stack documentation from a binary distribution of the Stack since the paths in each package’s doxygen.conf file refer to paths on the build server.

  • enable_doxygen_conf (bool, default: True) – Enable building the configuration for the Doxygen build.

  • enable_doxygen (bool, default: True) – Enable the Doxygen build. If enabled, enable_doxygen_conf is automatically enabled.

  • enable_package_links (bool, default: True) – Enable linking the documentation directories of individual packages into the root documentation directory.

  • enable_sphinx (bool, default: True) – Enable the Sphinx build. If enabled, enable_package_links is automatically enabled.

  • select_doxygen_packages (Optional[List[str]], default: None) – If set, only EUPS packages named in this sequence will be processed by Doxygen. Packages still need to be set up and have files.

  • skip_doxygen_packages (Optional[List[str]], default: None) – If set, EUPS packages named in this sequence will be removed from the set of packages processed by Doxygen.

  • warning_is_error (bool, default: False) – If True, warnings from Sphinx will be treated as errors.

  • nitpicky (bool, default: False) – If True, run Sphinx in “nitpicky” mode that generates warnings for more things like unresolved links.


sphinx_status – The shell status code for the Sphinx build. If enable_sphinx is False, the status defaults to 0.

Return type:
