documenteer.toml reference#

Rubin’s Sphinx user guide configuration with uses a documenteer.toml file, located next to the Sphinx file to configure metadata about the project. This page describes the schema for this documenteer.toml file. For a step-by-step guide, see Setting up the Documenteer configuration for Rubin user guides.

[project] table#

The [project] table is where most of the project’s metadata is set.




Name of the project, used as titles throughout the documentation site. The title can be different from the package name, if that’s the local standard.

title = "Documenteer"


Optional Auto set by project.python

The root URL of the documentation project, used to set the canonical URL link rel, which is valuable for search engines.

base_url = ""


Optional Auto set by project.python

The URL for the project’s GitHub source repository. When set, a link to the repository is included in the site’s header.

github_url = ""


Optional Auto set by project.python

The project’s version, which is set to the standard Sphinx version and release configuration variables.



Projects that use a pyproject.toml to set their build metadata can include a [project.python] table in documenteer.toml. With this, many metadata values are automatically detected — look for Auto set by project.python badges above.


If a value is directly set, such as version, that value will override will override information discovered from the Python project itself.



This is the Python project’s name, as set in the name field of the [project] table in pyproject.toml. Note that the package name can be different from the Python module name. Setting this field actives automatic metadata discovery for Python projects.


package = "documenteer"



By default the base_url is detected from the Homepage field in the [project.urls] table of pyproject.toml. If your documentation’s URL is associated with a different field label, set that with documentation_url_key.



By default the github_url is detected from the Source field in the [project.urls] table of pyproject.toml. If your GitHub repository’s URL is associated with a different field label, set that with github_url_key.