The configuration preset#

This module, contains Sphinx configuration presets for Rubin observatory user guides. See how-to for using this configuration in your project.

"""Sphinx configuration for Rubin Observatory User Guides.

To use this configuration in a Sphinx technote project, write a

    from import *

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

from documenteer.conf import (

# This configuration is broken down into these sections:
# #EXT
#     Sphinx extensions
#     Core Sphinx configurations
#     Intersphinx configuration
#     Linkcheck builder configuration
#     HTML builder and theme configuration
# #API
#     API reference configuration
#     My-ST markdown configurations

# Ordered as they are declared in this module
__all__ = [
    # EXT
    # SPHINX
    # INTER
    # HTML
    # API
    # MYST

_conf = DocumenteerConfig.find_and_load()

# ============================================================================
# #EXT Sphinx extensions
# ============================================================================

extensions = [

# ============================================================================
# #SPHINX Core Sphinx configurations
# ============================================================================

project = _conf.project

author = "Rubin Observatory"

copyright = _conf.copyright

version = _conf.version
release = version

source_suffix = {
    ".rst": "restructuredtext",
    ".txt": "markdown",
    ".md": "markdown",

root_doc = "index"

language = "en"

# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
exclude_patterns = ["_build", "README.rst", ""]

# The reST default role cross-links Python (used for this markup: `text`)
default_role = "py:obj"

# Warnings to ignore
nitpick_ignore: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []

# A list of paths that contain extra templates (or templates that overwrite
# builtin/theme-specific templates).
templates_path = [get_template_dir("pydata")]

# ============================================================================
# #INTER Intersphinx configuration
# ============================================================================

# Example entry:
#   "python": ("", None),
intersphinx_mapping: Dict[str, Tuple[Union[str, None]]] = {}

intersphinx_timeout = 10.0  # seconds

intersphinx_cache_limit = 5  # days

# ============================================================================
# #LINKCHECK Linkcheck builder configuration
# ============================================================================

linkcheck_retries = 2

# Tucson IT infrastructure sometimes goes down or has TLS issues
linkcheck_ignore = [

linkcheck_timeout = 15

# ============================================================================
# #HTML HTML builder and theme configuration
# ============================================================================

html_theme = "pydata_sphinx_theme"

# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
# further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
# documentation.
html_theme_options = {
    "header_links_before_dropdown": 5,
    "external_links": [{"name": "Rubin docs", "url": ""}],
    "icon_links": [],
    "logo": {
        "image_light": "rubin-titlebar-imagotype-light.svg",
        "image_dark": "rubin-titlebar-imagotype-dark.svg",
        "text": project,
    "favicons": [
            "rel": "icon",
            "sizes": "32x32",
            "href": "rubin-favicon-transparent-32px.png",
        {"rel": "icon", "href": "rubin-favicon.svg"},
    "pygment_light_style": "xcode",
    "pygment_dark_style": "github-dark",

if _conf.github_url:
    assert isinstance(html_theme_options["icon_links"], list)
            "name": "GitHub",
            "url": _conf.github_url,
            "icon": "fab fa-github-square",
            "type": "fontawesome",

# in pydata-sphinx-theme 0.10.0 it'll be possible to use
# :html_theme.sidebar_secondary.remove: metadata to remove the sidebar
# for a specific page instead
html_sidebars: Dict[str, List[Any]] = {"index": [], "changelog": []}

# The name for this set of Sphinx documents.  If None, it defaults to
# "<project> v<release> documentation".
html_title = project

# A shorter title for the navigation bar.  Default is the same as html_title.
html_short_title = project

# The base URL of the root of the HTML documentation. This is used to set
# the canonical URL link relation
html_baseurl = _conf.base_url

# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path: List[str] = [

html_css_files = ["rubin-pydata-theme.css"]

# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
html_show_sourcelink = False

# ============================================================================
# #API API reference configurations
# ============================================================================

# Automodapi
automodapi_toctreedirnm = "api"

# sphinx_autodoc_typehints
always_document_param_types = True
typehints_defaults = "comma"

# napoleon
napoleon_google_docstring = False  # non-default
napoleon_numpy_docstring = True
napoleon_include_init_with_doc = False
napoleon_include_private_with_doc = False
napoleon_include_special_with_doc = True
napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples = False
napoleon_use_admonition_for_notes = False
napoleon_use_admonition_for_references = False
napoleon_use_ivar = False
napoleon_use_param = True
napoleon_use_rtype = True
napoleon_preprocess_types = False
napoleon_type_aliases = None
napoleon_attr_annotations = True

# ============================================================================
# #MYST My-ST markdown configurations
# ============================================================================

myst_enable_extensions = [