Extending conf.py directly#

The basic configurations, through documenteer.toml and documenteer.conf.guide, set up Sphinx to work well for most types of Rubin documentation projects. You will likely need to extend that configuration, though. This page describes a few common scenarios.

In general, structure your customizations so that they add to the configuration presets from documenteer.conf.guide. If the configuration variable is a list or a dictionary, try to append to that list or dictionary rather than reassigning the whole variable.

Adding a package to Intersphinx#

One scenario is adding additional projects to the Intersphinx configuration. For example, to add the Python standard library so that built-in Python APIs can be referenced:

from documenteer.conf.guide import *

intersphinx_mapping["python"] = ("https://docs.python.org/3", None)

To additionally add the LSST Science Pipelines:

from documenteer.conf.guide import *

intersphinx_mapping["python"] = ("https://pipelines.lsst.io", None)

Adding a Sphinx extension#

You can add additional Sphinx extensions to your Sphinx build to make use of custom reStructuredText directives and roles. To add a new extension, append to the extensions list:

from documenteer.conf.guide import *


Remember that additional packages may need to be added to your project’s Python dependencies (such as in a requirements.txt or pyproject.toml file).