BibTeX style extension for LSST

sphinxcontrib-bibtex is an excellent way to include academic citations in Sphinx documentation projects. Documenteer provides support for LSST’s common BibTeX bibliography files (maintained in lsst-texmf) through its documenteer.sphinxext.bibtex extension. Specifically, this extension provides support for docushare fields in those bib files.

To use this Sphinx extension, add documenteer.sphinxext.bibtex to your file:

extensions = ["documenteer.sphinxext.bibtex"]


In your reStructuredText file, declare a bibliography using the lsst_aa bibliography style:

.. bibliography:: local.bib lsstbib/books.bib lsstbib/lsst.bib lsstbib/lsst-dm.bib lsstbib/refs.bib lsstbib/refs_ads.bib
   :style: lsst_aa


This arrangement of bib file is based on LSST technote projects, which vendor the lsst-texmf bib files. You will need to customize the bibliography file paths for your own usage.

Further reading