Sphinx configuration for stacks and packages#

Documenteer provides pre-made Sphinx configurations for stack packages and stack documentation projects. To use these configurations, you must install Documenteer with the “pipelines” extra, see Installing Documenteer for pipelines.lsst.io.

Sphinx configuration for stack documentation projects#

The configuration module for a stack documentation project, such as pipelines.lsst.io is documenteer.conf.pipelines. To use these configurations, the content of the Sphinx conf.py file should be:

from documenteer.conf.pipelines import *


This configuration is specialized for the pipelines.lsst.io documentation project. To adapt and customize it for other projects, you will likely need to change the project variable to the name of the specific stack:

from documenteer.conf.pipelines import *

project = "example"
html_theme_options["logotext"] = project
html_title = project
html_short_title = project

You can change the name after importing the documenteer.conf.pipelines configuratio module in your conf.py file. See the source for documenteer.conf.pipelines for additional configuartion options.

Sphinx configuration for packages#

Individual packages in a stack also have Sphinx configurations to facilitate single-package builds for development. The configurations for individual packages is provided by the documenteer.conf.pipelines file.

To use this configuration, projects need to import this module’s contents into their Sphinx conf.py and override configuration related to the project’s name:

from documenteer.conf.pipelinespkg import *

project = "example"
html_theme_options["logotext"] = project
html_title = project
html_short_title = project

Replace “example” with the name of the current package.

You can set, or override, additional Sphinx configurations after the documenteer import in your Sphinx conf.py file.


This configuration is only used for single-package builds. It doesn’t affect the stack build (such as pipelines.lsst.io).

Configuration source reference#

documenteer.conf.pipelines source#

"""Sphinx configuration for lsst/pipelines_lsst_io (pipelines.lsst.io).

To use this configuration in a Sphinx project, write a conf.py::

    from documenteer.conf.pipelines import *

For additional documentation, see:


import datetime
import os
from pathlib import Path

# Use Rubin Guides as the base theme
from .guide import *  # noqa: F403

# ============================================================================
# #EXT Sphinx extensions
# ============================================================================

extensions.extend(  # noqa: F405

# ============================================================================
# #SPHINX Core Sphinx configurations
# ============================================================================
project = "LSST Science Pipelines"

_date = datetime.datetime.now()

today = _date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

# Use this copyright for now. Ultimately we want to gather COPYRIGHT files
# and build an integrated copyright that way.
copyright = f"2015-{_date.year} Rubin Observatory"

# Configure figure numbering
numfig = True
numfig_format = {
    "figure": "Figure %s",
    "table": "Table %s",
    "code-block": "Listing %s",

# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
exclude_patterns.extend(  # noqa: F405
        # Build products
        # Doxygen build products
        # Source for release notes (contents are included in built pages)
        # EUPS configuration directory
        # Recommended directory for pip installing doc eng Python packages
        # GitHub templates
        # This 'home' directory is created by the docubase image for the
        # sqre/infra/documenteer ci.lsst.codes Jenkins job. Ideally this
        # shouldn't be in the directory at all, but we certainly need to
        # ignore it while its here.
        # The configuration files
        # Doxygen build products from scons (in stack package builds)

# ============================================================================
# #INTER Intersphinx configuration
# ============================================================================
intersphinx_mapping.update(  # noqa: F405
        "python": ("https://docs.python.org/3/", None),
        "numpy": ("https://numpy.org/doc/stable/", None),
        "scipy": ("https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/", None),
        "matplotlib": ("https://matplotlib.org/", None),
        "sklearn": ("https://scikit-learn.org/stable/", None),
        "pandas": ("https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/", None),
        "astropy": ("https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/", None),
        "astro_metadata_translator": (
        "firefly_client": ("https://firefly-client.lsst.io", None),
intersphinx_timeout = 10.0  # seconds
intersphinx_cache_limit = 5  # days

# ============================================================================
# #HTML HTML builder and theme configuration
# ============================================================================

# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets)
# here, relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin
# static files, so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin
# "default.css".
if os.path.isdir("_static"):
    html_static_path.append("_static")  # noqa: F405

# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
# directly to the root of the documentation.
html_extra_path = []
if os.path.exists("_doxygen/html"):

# ============================================================================
# #AUTOMODAPI automodapi, autodoc and napoleon configuration
# ============================================================================

autosummary_generate = True

automodapi_toctreedirnm = "py-api"
automodsumm_inherited_members = True

# Docstrings for classes and methods are inherited from parents.
autodoc_inherit_docstrings = True

# Class documentation should only contain the class docstring and
# ignore the __init__ docstring, account to LSST coding standards.
# c['autoclass_content'] = "both"
autoclass_content = "class"

# Default flags for automodapi directives. Special members are dunder
# methods.
# NOTE: We want to used `inherited-members`, but it seems to be causing
# documentation duplication in the automodapi listings. We're leaving
# this out for now. See https://jira.lsstcorp.org/browse/DM-14782 for
# additional notes.
# NOTE: Without inherited members set, special-members doesn't need seem
# to have an effect (even for special members where the docstrings are
# directly written in the class, not inherited.
# autodoc_default_flags = ['inherited-members']
autodoc_default_flags = ["show-inheritance", "special-members"]

# ============================================================================
# #DOXYLINK Doxylink configuration
# ============================================================================
tag_path = Path(".").joinpath("_doxygen", "doxygen.tag")
if tag_path.exists():
    doxylink = {"lsstcc": (str(tag_path), "cpp-api")}
    doxylink = {}

documenteer_autocppapi_doxylink_role = "lsstcc"

# ============================================================================
# #TODO todo extension configuration
# ============================================================================
# Hide todo directives in the "published" documentation on the main site.
todo_include_todos = False

# ============================================================================
# Compute information about the EUPS tag and versioning
# This info will get exposed through the Jinja configuration and the rst prolog
# ============================================================================
# Attempt to get the EUPS tag from the build environment
eups_tag = os.getenv("EUPS_TAG", "d_latest")

# Try to guess the Git ref that corresponds to this tag
if eups_tag in ("d_latest", "w_latest", "current"):
    git_ref = "main"
elif eups_tag.startswith("d_"):
    # Daily EUPS tags are not tagged on git
    git_ref = "main"
elif eups_tag.startswith("v"):
    # Major version or release candidate tag
    git_ref = eups_tag.lstrip("v").replace("_", ".")
elif eups_tag.startswith("w_"):
    # Regular weekly tag
    git_ref = eups_tag.replace("_", ".")
    # Ideally shouldn't get to this point
    git_ref = "main"

# ============================================================================
# #JINJA jinja extension configuration
# ============================================================================
jinja_contexts = {
    "default": {
        "release_eups_tag": eups_tag,
        "release_git_ref": git_ref,
        "pipelines_demo_ref": git_ref,
        "scipipe_conda_ref": git_ref,
        "newinstall_ref": git_ref,

# ============================================================================
# rst_epilog is reStructured text content present on every page
# ============================================================================
_eups_epilog = f"""

.. |eups-tag| replace:: {eups_tag}
.. |eups-tag-mono| replace:: ``{eups_tag}``
.. |eups-tag-bold| replace:: **{eups_tag}**
rst_epilog = f"{rst_epilog}\n\n{_eups_epilog}"  # noqa: F405

documenteer.conf.pipelinespkg source#

"""Sphinx configuration for a single-package documentation builds for packages
in pipelines.lsst.io.

For usage, see:


from .pipelines import *  # noqa: F401 F403

# ============================================================================
# todo extension configuration
# ============================================================================
# Show todo directives in the development documentation for single packages.
todo_include_todos = True