Package toctree extension for LSST Stack documentation

Documenteer provides the package-toctree module-toctree directives that are useful building dynamic toctrees of package and module documentation in stack documentation projects like the LSST Science Pipelines (

To use this Sphinx extension, add documenteer.ext.packagetoctree to your file:

extensions = ["documenteer.ext.packagetoctree"]

To learn more about the build process for stack documentation projects, see Overview of the build system.






Create a toctree of package homepages.


Create a toctree of module homepages.


.. package-toctree::

The package-toctree directive creates a toctree of package documentation homepages found in a stack documentation project. Stack packages have index pages with paths /packages/{{name}}/index.rst within project. For more information about package documentation homepages, see the Layout of the doc/ directory and Package homepage topic type pages in the LSST DM Developer Guide.

Basic example:

.. package-toctree::


skip: package-list

To exclude specific EUPS packages from the toctree, provide a comma-separated list of EUPS package names:

.. package-toctree::
   :skip: afw, utils
.. module-toctree::

The module-toctree directive creates a toctree of module documentation homepages found in a stack documentation project. Modules have index pages with paths /module/{{name}}/index.rst within a Stack documentation project. For more information about module documentation homepages, see the Layout of the doc/ directory and Module homepage topic type pages in the LSST DM Developer Guide.

Basic example:

.. module-toctree::


skip: module-list

To exclude specific modules from the toctree, provide a comma-separated list of module names:

.. module-toctree::
   :skip: lsst.afw.image, lsst.afw.fits