Embedded videos

Videos and screencasts are a great way to show user interfaces in your documentation. Rubin Observatory has a Vimeo account where we store our documentation and user support videos. Rubin user guides have built-in directives, youtube and vimeo, to embed video players into the documentation page.

Embedding a Vimeo video

To embed a Vimeo video, use the vimeo directive with the video ID as the argument:

.. vimeo:: 800911530
:::vimeo 800911530

The video ID is the number at the end of the video URL. For example, the video URL for the video with ID 800911530 is https://vimeo.com/800911530.

Embedding a YouTube video

To embed a YouTube video, use the youtube directive with the video ID as the argument:

.. youtube:: yKqEDFvmYwY
:::vimeo yKqEDFvmYwY

The video ID is the string at the end of the video URL. For example, the video URL for the video with ID yKqEDFvmYwY is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKqEDFvmYwY.

More information

  • sphinxcontrib-youtube is the Sphinx extension used to embed YouTube and Vimeo videos. See this documentation for additional options for using this extension.